Domino is a game in which players place tiles edge to edge against each other so that the adjacent sides form either identical numbers or a specified total. Each domino has an identity-bearing side, marked with an arrangement of dots (or spots) like those on a die, and a blank or identically patterned side. In most games, the identifying marks on each domino are distributed evenly around the edge of the tile.
Each player, in turn, places one of their dominoes on the table. This first play is known as the “set,” the “down” or the “lead.” The player then continues the sequence, placing his tiles so that the two matching ends of the tile touch each other, if possible. If a double is played, a tile must be placed on it in such a way that it straddles the open end of the double and touches only the matching half of the other tile. In this way, a chain develops that snakes across the surface of the playing area.
The chain of dominoes can be extended by adding more tiles to the open end of the last tile played. However, the number of tiles that can be added is limited by the amount of the previous tile. If a player can play no more of their tiles, they call the game “over.” Typically, the winner is the player whose combined number of remaining pips is least.
As more tiles are added to the chain, the shape of the line of play develops, and a pattern becomes clear. The shape of the line can be a straight line, a curved line or even a grid that forms pictures when it falls. The size of the line can also vary from small to huge.
Whether it’s the simple arc of a line of dominoes or the intricate patterns crafted in a competition to impress a crowd, there is something magical about the domino effect. The way that a single domino nudge can cause an entire cascade of motion is remarkable and inspirational. This idea of a chain reaction is central to writing fiction as well, and it’s worth considering how the domino effect can be used in your story. Whether you’re composing a novel off the cuff or carefully plotting your work, examining how to use the domino effect in your story can help you create a more compelling narrative.